2011年12月11日 星期日

Oh~ lovely Alli cat

I have been post an article about Allison Harvard after ANTM cycle 12
i am her fans just after watching the show
she is so high fashion and unique
so when she back in American next top model All stars cycle
i am so excited, i watch the show online that i have not did before
i am eager to see her win

but at the last, lisa got the winner, and allison get the winner up again
so sad, but i still love her
the above lisa's photo is really great, ok
but she is old, and her manner is too over

and then the confusion of the finale show about angelea disqualified
i am so interest to know the reason
and it said angelea leaked out "she is the winner" in her facebook before the show air
.....................WHAT? she win? impossible!!!
she is so annoying, unprofessional, none!! amazing photo
if she win, all gods death, not tyra bank, is tyra blind

the best is still allison

i want to see more photo of her

pls, allicat, get the model job, take the photo and they will all be the art

look forward to see more news from her

2011年11月2日 星期三

弟子問老師: 您能談談人類的奇怪之處嗎?

老師答道: 他們急於成長, 然後又哀嘆失去的童年; 他們以健康換取金錢, 不久後又想用金錢恢復健康. 他們對未來焦慮不已, 卻又無視現在的幸福. 因此, 他們既不活在當下, 也不活在未來, 彷彿從來不會死亡; 臨死前, 又彷彿他們從未活過.

2011年10月16日 星期日

i'm not often to make up, but i fascinate to admire the beautiful things
these eyelashes are so amazing
fairy style, elegant, gracious...
the one like me who not care the make up is still staring on these
it let me also want to make something like that

2011年9月18日 星期日

it's disaster, so disappointed

i'm planning to Kenting of Taiwan in this mid-autumn festival
i plan to get flight at 13/9 and back to HK at 16/9
i felt on sleep at around 01:00 13/9 and got the phone call at 02:00
what the hell on my boyfriend call me at the midnight
he said he miss his passport......
we have not go to Kenting because we finally cannot find it
............actually, so disappointed
but i cannot say, he feel guilty already
and we play round in HK

actually it's in Guangdong

it's really in HK

2011年4月21日 星期四

Peyote dark bracelet

learn another beadwork, it is peyote
like making the cloth, netting the beads together one by one
surprisingly, it is not cost too much time as i expected

2011年4月12日 星期二

順德之旅 兩日一夜

很久沒有打blog 了, 現正在忙study block 2 忙到癱左的同時, 和男朋友及其父母去了一個小旅行去了順德...... (其實我都唔知自己係未去順德, 總之沿途經常路過碧貴園, 真係賣左我都唔知) 一開始去了博物館, 老實說, 沒甚麼好逛 之後去左唔知邊........ 風景幾好ga 之後晚上吃黃媽媽私房菜 (哈... 終於有d 野我知道個名) 遇到架好污穢的車, 先聲明玻璃上的猫不是我畫的一早就被人畫了上去, 玻璃上反映的人是我男朋友哩~ (和一隻猫咁高咁歹)

第二日去了碧江金樓 (個名好難記, 好彩有相睇得返個名)

最後去四海一家吃自助餐有好多花茶揀, 我喝的是"勿忘我"

就影了這張飲品, 之後出去拼殺了

最後去了一處沙灘, 附近有天后廟的



哈哈~ 我真的經過了整個旅行都不知道自己去邊

最近真是太忙了, 要回去繼續溫書


2011年2月22日 星期二

Modified necklace

my mum give me a lot of useless accessory
they are out-dated, those i don't want to wear
actually, the main part of this necklace is one of them, and it is an earring
it is a rhombus part with three floating white beads linking with little flower at the end
i think it is too large to become an earring, and change it
up side down the earring, break down the middle linking and only two linking stayed to become the necklace
i am so satisfy in this work
i wear this all over the lunar new year

2011年2月19日 星期六

Lated christmas

a long long time not update my blog
so busy, and so lazy i am
i have make lots accessory in these days, but lazy to shot of them
and i take the photo of them today
and upload them one by one
this is the accesory i made in christmas
like a christmas tree~~~
it is crochet bead bracelet